Our Country Kids

Our Country Kids
Our Three Blessings

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Getting the Siblings together!

It's always great when we can take a few minutes out of our busy days and get these siblings together for a visit!

I talked S into hugging her big brother!!

Preparing for the sneak attack...Silas wound up with a lot
of sand on him!

There's always one that won't cooperate....

R and her firstborn


Peggi said...

I'm waiting for the day that Myles and his 1/2 brother realize they are brothers---J is too young to understand (3) and there are too may other confusing things in his life right now, so we are waiting til he is a bit older to tell him that Myles is his brother--for now, we are N's friends and they play together when we are together-but ONE DAY!!!!! :)

Joy for the Seasons said...

Our Peanut has another sister and two brothers. Only one brother has come to both meetings we have had so far, but we hope to see the others soon. I hope she gets to see them often as she grows up. Love that yours get together, Sonya!

Sonya said...

We didn't refer to R's kids as Silas' brother and sister until he figured it out for himself, then we had the conversation about what biology means and blood-related. We didn't get into the birds and bees, praise the Lord, that will come later!