Our Country Kids

Our Country Kids
Our Three Blessings

Monday, September 24, 2012

A Changed Man!

Our "little" Stephen is growing up fast! Last Sunday, on September 16th, he gave his heart to Jesus! He will be 6 this November, so some would say that he might be a little young to really understand it all; even Scott and I questioned just how much he understood. He had been talking for several weeks about wanting to be baptized. We had many conversations about what that means, and the commitment you make when you decide to follow Jesus. We had a bonfire on Saturday night in our back yard, and he even brought it up then. Sunday mornings are very busy at our church, with three services back-to-back, so we promised him we would try to let him talk to Pastor Chris after church Sunday evening when it's not so crazy. As we arrived at our car on Sunday, Stephen said he had to go to the bathroom. We were quite aggravated because we were already at the car, so Silas volunteered to escort him back in the building and asked us to pick them up outside the building. We loaded Sophie in her car seat, and when we pulled around, it took forever for Silas to come out. He said "Stephen is in there talking to Ms. Ashea about being baptized". Ashea came out to the car and said "Has anybody ever prayed with this boy and led him to the Lord?" (You have to know Ashea to imagine how she said this and cracked us up!) We said, "No, but he has been talking about  being baptized." She said, "Well I just did!!" She asked us to park and come in so that her husband Chris, who is our Discipleship Pastor, could talk to Stephen. Rev. Chris talked to Stephen and he answered all the questions posed to him appropriately, and Chris was satisfied that he understood the decision he was making. Praise the Lord!!
Stephen with Ms. Ashea and Reverend Chris Griffin
When we went to church Sunday night, Stephen was excited to tell Pastor Chris and Becky about his salvation. After service, we found them in the lobby and Stephen excitedly told them his news. He wanted them both to sit down with him. Stephen said "Can somebody take a picture please?!".  I didn't have my camera or my phone with me, but thankfully our friend Jeff Gagne had his cell phone and took a picture for us!

So that brings us to the post title:

Tonight after supper, Stephen was being especially helpful cleaning up the table after supper. We were praising him, of course hoping for future such behavior. We asked him why he was being so helpful. He said "I'M A CHANGED MAN!". I said, "What made you a changed man?" He said, "That's what happens when you accept Jesus, he comes in and changes you!" Wow. I was speechless.
So....beneath that eyebrow-wigglin', girl-lovin' boy, is a little soul who loves Jesus and wants to follow Him. I pray that the foundation that is being laid now will carry him into his teenage years and beyond....to a life of service to the Lord as he becomes the man God has called him to be, to Him be the glory!
As an added note: I got my bible out to record Stephen's salvation date, and realized that Silas' was on September 15th, 2010, two days before our anniversary on the 17th. So now we can celebrate on the 15th, 16th, and 17th of September what the Lord has done in our lives!

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