Our Country Kids

Our Country Kids
Our Three Blessings

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Bass Pro and Santa!

This is our third year going to see Santa at Bass Pro Shop. It's fitting, we ARE rednecks as Silas so often states! The photo is free, and they let you take some with your own camera too, so you can't beat it! The boys LOVE to play all the games they have set up, and yes, they're FREE too! This year we met friends there as well: Leah and Kinsley came, as well as Beth and her four boys, Carter, Landon, Cameron, & Brady. Yes, that's 3 moms and 8 kids! We survived!
Santa asked if "Grandma" wanted a picture of just the baby on his lap! Santa, it's sour milk and stale cookies when
you come to THIS Grandma's house!! BAD Santa!

Kinsley and her little buddy So-tree, as she calls her!

Sophie clapping as I sing Jingle Bells!!

Kinsley would not sit on Santa's lap without her momma, and I think Santa liked it! LOL

Boys will be boys! Carter posed, but his brothers wouldn't!
Beth and Silas trying to figure it out, and twins Cameron and Brady sticking close to Mom!

The boys love the train that they can play with.

Posing in the lobby in front of the huge fireplace

A successful first time on Santa's lap!

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