Our Country Kids

Our Country Kids
Our Three Blessings

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Sophie, YOU are 4 months old!

You are now 15.1 lbs, which is in the 90%, 25 1/4 inches tall, which is in the 90-95%, and your head is 40cm, which is in the 25-50%. That's okay, because I make up for your little noggin' by putting big 'ole bows and flowers on your head!
You are wearing mostly 6 month size clothes, size 2 diapers, and you are drinking 6 ounces of formula every 3-4 hours. We just had to switch you to soy formula, which we are hoping will help with your ongoing eczema problems.
You just started rolling from your back to your tummy, but have not
 figured out how to flip back!

You still sleep on your back mostly, but I did find you on your
side one  morning when I got up.

The Exersaucer is your favorite place to be, and you get a little violent
 trying to get the balls inside of the spinning tumbler!

This is you right after getting dressed for church last Sunday morning!

This was my attempt at your 4 month photo session outside. The humidity
 was so high, I was dripping sweat after 10 minutes, so I had to cut it short.

I couldn't get you to let your dress go, you kept putting it in your mouth!

Your monthly picture with Minnie Mouse!
This was it....we were done!

The swing is your resting place when you get tired of the Exersaucer....you're so cute when we put you in....
you look up at the lighted mobile and smile, waiting for us to turn it on!

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