Our Country Kids

Our Country Kids
Our Three Blessings

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Speech Assessment

Well, we had our first appointment today to find out if Stephen is delayed in speech. It was a "get to know Stephen and his habits" type thing. The caseworker will come back next Wednesday with the person who will do the actual assessing. That's when we'll know if they want to proceed with anything. "Play" therapy, which is casual and *Free*or "Speech" therapy, which is $75 an hour! Guess which one we're praying (fervently) for???!!!
We'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

JJandFive said...

Spence had speech for a while. (The $75 kind) : / He needs more actually, but we've switched to OT now, and will visit speech again later. It's actually pretty fun for the kids, and very educational for the parents (at least it was for me!) Too bad it's so expensive! : )
Keep us updated!